Friday, April 4, 2008


So it took me about 2 months to read all 3 books in the Twilight series, but I wish I would have had the time to read them all in just a few days! When being a book editor is your everyday job, sometimes it is hard to get in the reading mode once you get home from work! I missed the good ol' days of staying up until 3 a.m. finishing a book that I just couldn't put down, but I could never do that now! If I did, I'd take the risk of falling asleep at my desk the next day. You don't know how hard it is to fight those afternoon sleepies! 

Anyway, I actually do want to write about these books—all of which I thought were great! I'd heard about them for quite a while and finally decided it was time I bought into the trend of reading about vampires and werewolves, literally. I was at Costco one Saturday and they had all 3 books there in hardback for $10 each. I thought that was a great deal, so I bought all of them. Todd didn't approve because he didn't think it was smart to buy the books before I knew if I actually liked them. I bought them anyway. My interest was definitely piqued, and it turns out that I really enjoyed the books. They were fun, exciting, and full of cheesy romance. Don't get me wrong though—I'm always a sucker for a good love story, no matter how cheesy! Anyway, after finishing Eclipse, I feel like I'm totally torn in the little love triangle that is brewing in Bella's life. Who should she be with? Vampire or werewolf? Both can protect her, but both are so dangerous. What does everyone else think? And if you are one of the few people that haven't read these books, I suggest you start them soon!


Merrills said...

I loved these books. The next one comes out in August and I think I will have to read them all over. I can't wait for the movie. We should get a big group and go to the midnight showing of it.

Michelle said...

I vote vampire. I'm not sure the reason, exactly, but if a drop-dead gorgeous piece of man (or vampire) was after me, I'd be all for it.

Mitchell Family said...

I'm sooo team Edward! I don't think she loves Jacob that way. More like, her most trusted best friend. Personally I think Jacob is way more dangerous...uncontrolled and she'll wind up mammed just like, what was her name? Anyway go Edward is all I have to say. BITE HER ALREADY and start living forever!


I'm all for Edward! Jacob is just a friend, a very close friend, but a friend. I loved these books!

lisa said...

I'm an Edward fan as well. And I totally agree with your friend cordia amant. How can Bella resist??? Jacob is a wimp. And--he'll just leave Bella one day. I vote we have a parade of homes--followed by the midnight showing of the movie. ??? Or buying of the newest book???

Julie Thurgood Summerhays said...

Edward all the way! Jacob was totally rude to her and I don't like that one bit:) If she doesn't end up a vampire though, I will be so dissapointed - I vote for a Parade of Homes II as well!!!

Todd and Melissa said...

Seems like everyone is for team Edward! I totally agree with all of you and just wanted to give someone a chance to speak up for Jacob. I'll just say that he's a little too immature for me and doesn't really know what he wants. Right now he just wants what he knows he can't have.

Parade of Homes II? We're totally in!


Tag! Check out my blog and then do it! Yay!

Our Little Angels

Our Little Angels
Brock and Mia, April 17, 2007