Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Whoa, Time to Catch Up!

So obviously I've been a bit busy. I just realized it's been more than 2 months since I lasted posted anything! I have a ton of pictures that everyone should see, so here's our summer in pictures so far . . .

Checking out the penguins at the Aquarium.

Loving the bunnies at USU's petting zoo.

Just being so cute!!!

Tater playing like a silly goose on the floor. He was just giggling laying there.

I took a quick weekend trip to Philly to visit my friend Jennifer. I got to see all the cool historical sites and had some really yummy food, not to mention some relaxation time! Thanks Todd!!!

Sweet Emmy Suzie-Q!

Tate on the floor . . . again. And having a great time too!

My big girl. I can't believe how grown up Izzie is getting. Sigh. 

Kiddos snuggling with daddy before he heads off to work. 

A sweet little Tater bug, until you say: "Say Cheese!" and then . . .

This is what you get! He's still making such funny faces for pictures.

Just so stinkin' cute!

Watching daddy mow the lawn out the window. (Check out Tate's smile!)

Emmy wanting to get over the gate, REALLY bad. :)

Todd and I helped with our ward's youth conference up in Midway the end of June. We had a great time and hiked up to Timpanogas Cave. We loved it and were so grateful for parents willing to take some kiddos! Thank you so much!

Playing in our backyard.

She is seriously such a sweet little baby girl. LOVE HER TONS!

Em loves to stick her bottom teeth out ALL of the time. 

An extra cute cheeser by Tate.

Emmy wondering what Tate is doing. Obviously he's cheesing it AGAIN!

These guys are so fun, and daddy loves to play with them!

Tate . . .  :)

Silly daddy.
And silly boys for sure!

OK! I think I'm all caught up on pictures. Wish we had more but it seems like a camera isn't ever super handy when we are out and about. Maybe because we are each holding a baby and chasing a 2 year old? Now the next big event is Tate and Emmy's birthday on July 30. We can't believe it! I will make sure to have a camera on hand for that!


Julie Thurgood Summerhays said...

CUTE!!! I was just going through old pics today and SO wishing that the digital camera was invented when Kendalyn was little and Adri was a baby - such SAD pics!! Give those two a kiss from aunt Julie!!

Susan said...

So cute! That Tate has a big personality :) Emme's going to have to find a way to get noticed. It's funny how Tate looks bigger than Todd in those last couple of pictures! What cuties :)

Amanda B. said...

Fun,fun. Glad you got to have some time away.

Jessica Draper said...

Your kids are so cute. Can't believe it's been a year already!!

Our Little Angels

Our Little Angels
Brock and Mia, April 17, 2007