Sunday, August 2, 2009

Coping with Pregnancy

If any of you have talked to me recently, you may have noticed that my voice sounds a little funny—like I have a cold of sorts. But, you also know that I don't have a cold, it's just one of the many fun things that is a direct result of me being pregnant. Well, my nasal problems don't only sound in my voice, but also are pretty prevalent when I sleep at night. A month or so ago, I woke up one morning to find that Todd's head had disappeared! Apparently I had been snoring very loudly that night, and rather than wake me up, he was nice enough to figure out another alternative—namely, putting a pillow over his head. I laughed when he told me why he had covered his head and then I told him I was sorry for being so loud. (Obviously, I just can't help it!). So this morning when I woke up, I thought the way Todd was sleeping was way too funny, so I had to take a picture. He just looks so peaceful all covered in pillows! Unfortunately, I didn't think about the flash, and he woke up right after I snapped the picture. Ooops!

And, here is the long awaited belly shot. I'm now 35 weeks and basically just feel huge and hot (not to mention tired!). Besides that, I feel pretty darn good. I go on Tuesday this week to have my cerclage (stitch) removed and then hopefully baby will come by the end of the month. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for August 25th, I'm not sure why, but it sounds like a good day!.



Your right the 25th does sound like a good day. Seeing how you won't have the stitches out by the 3rd {an ideal August day:) HA HA}. What a nice husband to not wake you. I'm always kicking or wiggling to get Adam to stop through out the night, if that doesn't work I then wake him and tell him to roll over. Maybe I'll have to try the pillow thing someday when I'm feeling nice. Love the picture. And you are such a cute prego girl!

Michelle said...

Cute pic! You look adorable! So only a few more weeks to go! How exciting! Since I got pregnant I've also got those annoying nasal problems. I'm not sure if I've started snoring at night or not, but I do know that if I close my mouth when I'm sleeping I can't breath anymore! haha

Kelli said...

I was also a pregnant snorer and I was grateful for a husband who dealt with it kindly! I love the picture of Todd! You are the cutest pregnant lady ever! You don't even look that huge... yet! I agree that the 25th sounds ideal. Don't know why. It just sounds like a great day!

Julie Thurgood Summerhays said...

That is a CLASSIC pic of Todd - love it!! You look AMAZING btw - cute dress!! Good luck on Tuesday - I'll keep my fingers crossed for the next month:)

Mitchell Family said...

poor todd! but most importantly...poor you! those last weeks of discomfort, nasal issues and constant heat flashes are just the pitts! you look so cute...not huge by the way...nice try!

Widdisons said...

You look so good. How exciting, just a few more weeks! It will be here before you know it! We can't wait to see pictures.

Merrills said...

That is too funny! I always got stuffy too. I can't believe you are so close! Keep us posted. Let me know if you need anything.

lisa said...

I love the picture of Todd! Do you think he'll do the same when the baby cries??? I think you look great! Good luck during these last FEW weeks! If you want to go to Harry Potter ONE MORE time-just let me know!

Jenny said...

Melissa, you are adorable. Thanks for letting me peak into your world. I took a hot bath last night to relax and played your play list. Thanks for putting it together. I love your songs.

Jenny said...

Melissa, you are adorable. Thanks for letting me peak into your world. I took a hot bath last night to relax and played your play list. Thanks for putting it together. I love your songs.

McMillan Family said...

Poor Todd. You look so cute. i can't wait for this baby. Good Luck

Our Little Angels

Our Little Angels
Brock and Mia, April 17, 2007