Sunday, August 31, 2008

Breaking Dawn

OK, so I'm a little behind everyone else and just finished Stephanie Meyer's last book of the Twilight series yesterday. I know, I know, I'm so slow! I had a couple other books I just had to finish before I could start Breaking Dawn. So anyway, I just wanted to give you all my "review." Right off the bat I have to say I thought the book was really great! I didn't know what to think after reading the first two hundred pages, but I was definitely intrigued as to where the story was headed. I'm so happy how things ended up! I'm still a huge Edward fan, but Jacob seemed to really mature in this book, and where I just "liked" him before, I think I love him now. There were also some moments where Edward showed some real anguish and emotion, and I liked seeing that side of him. Finally, even though I was happy where it ended, I found part of me wanting just a little bit more. Did anyone else feel that way? Also, what does everyone think about the Twilight guide that is coming out in December? I think it might be pretty interesting actually . . .


Kelli said...

I enjoyed the book also. I was shocked so much was resolved to early on in the book. I always finish a book and want more it seems so I'm probably not too good of a judge.

Julie Thurgood Summerhays said...

So, does this mean we should have a girls night at this movie since the husbands have neglected to read this fabulous book? I think so...

lisa said...

Okay-AND have you heard that the draft for Midnight Sun (Edward's POV of Twilight) got released on the internet? So I guess Stephenie decided to post it on her website so her 'fans' could read it. She says she might not ever finish writing it or publish it. It's about 260 pages so it's not the full 'Twilight' story, but I loved it! Check it out when you get a minute! (HA!)

Merrills said...

I started rereading the books when Breaking Dawn came out so I am even more behind then you. I am just barely starting the 3rd. I'm glad I did though because I am falling in love all over again!

Amanda B. said...

Okay- I hate to be a spoiler, but I have to be honest that I didn't like this book! I thought it was way too long- poorly resolved- and just plain weird. I think she tied up so many loose ends very quickly and didn't develop the plot as well as in the past. I was definitely left wanting more- more substance!


I liked it, but I'll have to admit, I don't think I liked it as much as some of the others. I liked how she resolved the big stuff at the beginning so we could see how things would be (such as Bella becomeing a vampire, sorry if I ruined it for someone...). I just couldn't get into it like I did the others though.

Our Little Angels

Our Little Angels
Brock and Mia, April 17, 2007