Happy Birthday Todd!
Monday, June 15, was Todd's birthday, and he is now 32! (I think we can all agree he still looks like a newly returned missionary though. What a BABY face!) We had tons of fun celebrating his birthday all weekend—sushi on Friday, BBQ with the fam on Sunday, and Coldstone on Monday. We love birthdays and look forward to MANY more!
So, I know this picture doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Todd's birthday, but I had to put something up and I've always thought this was soooo funny. This is on California Screamin' in California Adventure at Disneyland. Todd insisted he take some pictures while on the ride. I'm pretty sure my scream was real and Todd's was totally FAKE. Either way, I think he's a nut and he always makes me smile. I'm glad he's mine! :)
As for me, I'm now officially in my third trimester and am 28 weeks along now! Here is the latest picture of my BULGING baby belly. (Am I seriously going to get bigger? I'm HUGE!)